Why ask why?

“You need to do your homework.”

“You can’t have a bag of chips, dinner is almost ready.”

“It’s 7:55, please go brush your teeth and get ready for bed.”

“Please don’t do that to the cat, she doesn’t like it.”

Why.  Why… its always WHY.

I can understand a kid not wanting to do things… I was a kid once too, I get it.  But why?  Why must everything be answered with WHY?  Especially when I explain my reasoning in my original statement.

It’s not like I am asking or telling him to do unreasonable things.. like brushing your teeth, or doing your homework, or to stop torturing the damn cat.  But you would literally think I just told him to do something for the first time in his entire life and it is the most ridiculous request I have ever made.

And he doesn’t just ask it once.  Most times when I tell him to do something, I will get the question at least 4 times.. FOUR FREAKING TIMES.  No matter what I say or how many times I explain something, I get asked “why?”  And with such innocence.  Like, “Why mom?  Why would you ever make me do that?”  Come on kid.. for the same reason yesterday (and the day before that, and the day before that) I made you brush you teeth at 7:55 pm – bedtime is at 8:00!

Is this just a way to wear me down? Does he really think that asking why is going to make me reconsider his instructions??  Don’t get me wrong.. one of my favorite questions when I want to be a little facetious, I ask “for why?”  But I’m an adult.. I’m allowed to be a little annoying, right? 😉

When he asks me why… now even 1 time.. it makes me want rip my hair our and scream WHY from the rooftops!  And sometimes I do.  Sometimes all I can respond with is.. “WHYYYY?”

Why must you ask me why sweet child?

Why must you drive me to the point of insanity?

Why…. just WHY?!

What is something your kiddos do that drive you to the point of sheer insanity?


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